The World of the Living

Author:Anita Paul, Seema Sinha, Karuni Subrahmanyam & Deepika Parashari
7th CBSE

Practice Other Chapters from The World of the Living

New Science Spark Book 7>The World of the Living>Weather, Climate and Adaptations

In this chapter, we will learn about weather and climate. It briefs the causes of changes in weather conditions. Here, we will also learn about the adaptations of various animals living in the polar and rainforest region with examples.

In this chapter, we will learn how air exerts pressure, expands on heating and moves from high to low pressure. It also explains how high-speed wind results in the reduction of air pressure. Further, it discusses the phenomenon of wind generation in nature.

This chapter explains the formation of soil, its profile, properties and types in detail with examples. It also includes an activity to study the various components of soil. Further, it discusses the causes of soil erosion and conservation.

In this chapter, we are going to learn about the human respiratory system. It discusses the breathing mechanism in other animals with examples and also explains the process of respiration in plants.

This chapter deals with the transportation of substances in animals and plants. It discusses the circulatory system in humans and other animals. It also deals with the concept of disposing of waste materials in plants and animals.

In this chapter, we are going to study the asexual and sexual reproduction in plants with the help of neatly labelled diagrams and examples. It also discusses the methods of seed dispersal.