
Author:I L Wanchoo & Arun Kumar
7th CBSE

Practice Other Chapters from History

Social Science Success Book 7>History>Tracing Changes in The Medieval Period

This chapter talks about tracing changes in the medieval period. It discusses the social and political changes and significant developments of the medieval period. It also mentions old and new religions, archaeological sources, and literary sources.

Social Science Success Book 7>History>New Kings and Kingdoms

This chapter throws light on the rising of new kings and kingdoms during the early medieval period. It discusses the emergence of new dynasties in the North and South and administration of these kingdoms.

This chapter elaborates on the Sultans of Delhi. We will read about the five major dynasties which ruled over northern India during the Sultanate period. We will also study the comparison of their administration.

This chapter explores the Mughal Empire. It describes the rule, administration, and legacy of the Mughals in central Asia. It also provides a list of great rulers of the Mughal empire and a case study on Akbar’s policies.

Social Science Success Book 7>History>Architecture as Power : Forts and Sacred Places

The chapter focuses on architecture as power, comprising forts and sacred places. It gives a picture of the monuments that existed in different parts of the country. It also discusses these architectural structures meant for public activities.

Social Science Success Book 7>History>Towns, Traders and Craftsmen

This chapter gives details on towns, traders, and artisans. It shows how the urban centres play an essential role in the development and growth of the economy and the gradual development of society and culture.

Social Science Success Book 7>History>Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities

The chapter focuses on tribes, nomads, and settled communities. It discusses the lifestyles of these people along with new castes and hierarchies. It also maps major Indian tribes' locations and presents two case studies on the Gonds and the Ahoms.

Social Science Success Book 7>History>Religious Beliefs and Devotional Paths

This chapter throws light on religious beliefs and devotional paths followed by the people. It describes the rise of two religious movements during the medieval period and their importance and influence in the life of the people.

Social Science Success Book 7>History>The Flowering of Regional Cultures

This chapter provides knowledge about the development of regional cultures. It elaborates on the growth of regional languages, literature, painting, classical dances, and music during the medieval period.

Social Science Success Book 7>History>Political Formations in the Eighteenth Century

This chapter talks about the political formations in the 18th century. The eighteenth century saw the rise of many independent kingdoms. It also discusses the crisis of the empire, later Mughals, and the emergence of new states during that time.