Immune Disorders and Deficiency
Immune Disorders and Deficiency: Overview
In this topic, we will concentrate on the immune disorders and the reason for such syndromes. Moreover, it also discusses the vision of deficiency and demonstrates the reason behind it with examples.
Important Questions on Immune Disorders and Deficiency
Given below are two statements:
Statement I:
An autoimmune disorder is a condition where body's defense mechanism recognises its own cells as foreign bodies.
Statement II:
Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition where body does not attack self cells. In the light of above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.:

Which of the following disease is an autoimmune disorder?

Which of the following are reason(s) for rheumatoid arthritis ? Choose the correct option.
(i) Lympocytes become more active
(ii) Body attacks self cells
(iii) More antibodies are produced in the body
(iv) The ability to differentiate pathogens or foreign molecules from self cells is lost

An example of autoimmune disease is:

In case of allergy, which drugs reduce the symptoms?

Which of the following is an allergen?

Assertion: Mast cells in the human body release excessive amounts of inflammatory chemicals, which cause allergic reactions.
Reason: Allergens in the environment on reaching the human body stimulate mast cells in certain individuals.

Skin-prick test on the forearm is conducted to identify the responsible allergen. This is because

Which of the following is/are not autoimmune disease ?

The antibodies produced due to reaction with allergy is_____

Which of the following is not a symptom of allergy?

When the epithelial cells absorb histamine they cause allergy.

Which of following is an auto immune disease?

Name a disorder of the immune system which attacks self cells. (Rheumatoid arthritis/ Cancer/ Asthama)

Allergy is a type of immune disorder

Enlist the disorders of the immune system.

Which one of the following diseases is not a disorder of the immune system?

Explain in brief what tests can be done to determine sensitivity to allergens?

Explain in brief, how is an allergy to an insect bite different from a normal reaction to an insect bite?

Mention five ways to prevent allergies.