biology: Overview
This subject covers units such as biotechnology, microbiology, genetics, cell structure and function, human reproduction, reproduction in plants, structural organization in animals, molecular biology, plant physiology and, ecology and environment
Practice Other Chapters from biology
Diversity in The Living World covers chapters such as Plant Kingdom, Biological Classification, The Living World and, Science of Plants
Microbiology contains chapter Viruses
Structural Organisation in Plants - Morphology contains chapter Morphology of Flowering Plants
Reproduction in Plants covers chapters such as Modes of Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Plant Systematics contains chapter Taxonomy of Angiosperms
Cell Structure and Function covers chapters such as Biomolecules, Cell Cycle and Cell Division and, Cell : The Unit of Life
Internal Organisation of Plants contains chapter Histology and Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Plant Ecology contains chapter Ecological Adaptations, Succession and Ecological Services
Plant Physiology covers chapters such as Enzymes, Respiration in Plants, Transport in Plants, Mineral Nutrition, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants and, Plant Growth and Development
Genetics contains chapter Principles of inheritance and Variation
Molecular Biology contains chapter Molecular Basis of inheritance
Biotechnology covers chapters such as Biotechnology and Its Applications and Principles and Processes of Biotechnology
Plants, Microbes and Human Welfare covers chapters such as Microbes in Human Welfare and Strategies For Enhancement in Food Production
Zoology - Diversity of Living World covers chapters such as Biodiversity and Conservation and Diversity of Living World
Structural Organization in Animals contains chapter Structural Organization in Animals
Animal Diversity-I contains chapter Invertebrate Phyla
Animal Diversity-II contains chapter Phylum Chordata
Biology and Human Welfare contains chapter Human Health and Diseases
Ecology and Environment covers chapters such as Ecosystem, Environmental Issues and, Organisms and Populations
Human Anatomy and Physiology-I covers chapters such as Digestion and Absorption and Breathing and Respiration
Human Anatomy and Physiology-II covers chapters such as Body Fluids and Circulation and Excretory Products and Their Elimination
Human Anatomy and Physiology-III covers chapters such as Neural Control and Coordination and Muscular and Skeletal System
Human Anatomy and Physiology-IV covers chapters such as Immune System, Endocrine System and Chemical Coordination and, Hypo and Hyperactivity and Related Disorders
Human Reproduction covers chapters such as Reproductive Health and Human Reproductive System
Organic Evolution contains chapter Organic Evolution
Applied Biology contains chapter Applied Biology