Types of Chemical Reactions
Types of Chemical Reactions: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Redox Reactions, Electrolysis of Water, Exothermic Reactions, Endothermic Reactions, Displacement Reactions, Types of Chemical Reactions, Decomposition Reactions, Double Displacement Reactions and, Oxidising Agents
Important Questions on Types of Chemical Reactions
The following questions consist of two statements- Assertion(A) and Reason(R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
Assertion(A) : In electrolysis of water, the volume of hydrogen liberated is twice the volume of oxygen formed.
Reason (R) : Water, has hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of by volume.
The burning of natural gas is oxidation as well as an endothermic reaction.
Complete the following equation:
_____ .
(Enter your correct answer as )
Write a balanced chemical equation for the following reaction:
Burning of natural gas.
Identify the type of reaction for the following reaction:
Burning of natural gas.
Identify the type of reaction for the following reaction:
is a redox reaction.
What is the type of reaction that occurs when reacts with carbon?
Identify the reducing and the oxidising agents for the following reaction:
Which of the following is not an exothermic change?
Explain what is meant by a highly exothermic” reaction and explain why such a reaction needs to be carried out in a safe and controlled way.
A student proposes to make some potassium nitrate. She uses the following method. First, she reacts a small amount of potassium metal with water. This creates an alkaline solution of potassium hydroxide. She then adds a small amount of dilute nitric acid to create potassium nitrate.
Give two safety precautions that she should take when carrying out this method.
of each of the elements with atomic numbers to was burned in chlorine gas. In each case there was an exothermic reaction and the amount of energy released was measured. The results are shown in the table.
Atomic number | Energy released |
No measurement was made for the element with atomic number . Use your graph to predict the amount of energy released.
of each of the elements with atomic numbers to was burned in chlorine gas. In each case there was an exothermic reaction and the amount of energy released was measured. The results are shown in the table.
Atomic number | Energy released |
The element with atomic number did not react with chlorine gas. Suggest why is it so?
of each of the elements with atomic numbers to was burned in chlorine gas. In each case there was an exothermic reaction and the amount of energy released was measured. The results are shown n the table.
Atomic number | Energy released |
- | |
of each of the elements with atomic numbers to was burned in chlorine gas. In each case, there was an exothermic reaction and the amount of energy released was measured. The results are shown in the table.
Atomic number | Energy released |
- | |
Plot a suitable graph of these results.
Nitrogen triiodide is a very unstable compound and decomposes into its constituent elements, nitrogen and iodine. Is this reaction endothermic or exothermic?
Nitrogen triiodide is a very unstable compound and decomposes into its constituent elements, nitrogen and iodine. What is required to make nitrogen triiodide decompose?
Put acetic acid (vinegar) in a plastic cup to a depth of . Add a spatula of sodium hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate of soda) to it. In another plastic cup Put water to a depth of . Add two spatulas of calcium chloride to it.
Is each reaction endothermic or exothermic?
Classify the following reaction according to its nature:
(Double displacement / Combination / Decomposition)