Inorganic Chemistry


Inorganic Chemistry: Overview

Inorganic Chemistry covers chapters such as Coordination Compounds, The p-Block Elements, The d- and f-Block Elements, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties (Beyond Syllabus) and, Qualitative Analysis (Beyond Syllabus)

Practice Other Chapters from Inorganic Chemistry

chemistry>Inorganic Chemistry>Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties (Beyond Syllabus)

This chapter covers topics, such as, Brief History of The Development of Periodic Table, Modern Periodic Law and the Present Form of the Periodic Table, Electron Gain Enthalpy and its Applications & Electronegativity and its Applications etc.

chemistry>Inorganic Chemistry>Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure (Beyond Syllabus)

This chapter covers topics, such as, Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT), Hydrogen Bonding and its Application, Polarisation and Dipole Moment & Fajan's Rule etc.

chemistry>Inorganic Chemistry>General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals (Metallurgy)

This chapter covers topics, such as, Concentration of Ores, Reduction of Metal Oxides to Metals, Extraction of Important Elements from their Ores & Occurrence of Elements in Nature etc.

chemistry>Inorganic Chemistry>The p-Block Elements

This chapter covers topics, such as, Allotropes of Carbon, p-Block Elements, Allotropes of Sulphur & Allotropes of Phosphorus etc.

chemistry>Inorganic Chemistry>The d- and f-Block Elements

This chapter covers topics, such as, Applications of d-Block and f-Block Elements, Some Important Compounds of Transition Metals, Comparison of Lanthanoids and Actinoids & General Properties of Lanthanoids etc.

chemistry>Inorganic Chemistry>Coordination Compounds

This chapter covers topics, such as, Important Terms related to Coordination Compounds, Ligands and their Classification, VBT for Bonding in Coordination Compounds & Importance and Applications of Coordination Compounds etc.

chemistry>Inorganic Chemistry>Qualitative Analysis (Beyond Syllabus)

This chapter covers topics, such as, Preliminary Test for Radicals, Systematic Analysis of Cationic Radicals, Systematic Analysis of Anionic Radicals & Basic Terminologies in Qualitative Analysis etc.