Dual Behaviour of Electromagnetic Radiation
Dual Behaviour of Electromagnetic Radiation: Overview
This topic consists of various concepts like Electromagnetic Radiations,Wave Nature of Electromagnetic Radiations,Frequency of Electromagnetic Radiations, etc.
Important Questions on Dual Behaviour of Electromagnetic Radiation
The wavelength of a particular radiation is . Find its frequency .

Why are light rays known as electromagnetic waves?

We can say that the energy of frequency is given by , where is Planck's constant. The momentum of a photon is where is the wavelength of photon. Then we may conclude that velocity of light is equal to:

Discuss the speed of the light.

The unit of frequency is:

Consider the following statements :
(i) The sun is giving out energy equally in all possible directions at the rate of .
(ii) radio isotope of carbon is formed in the upper atmosphere from cosmic rays.
(iii) New element/isotope may be produced during the nuclear reaction.
(iv) When energy is absorbed, the value of nuclear reaction will be negative.
Which of the above statements are correct ?

The velocity of electromagnetic radiation is related to its wavelength and the frequency by the formula,

The electromagnetic radiation has wave nature. How does wave number considered as the wave parameter of it?

Express, the electromagnetic radiation has the wave nature using the wave length and the frequency relationship.

What is the amplitude of the electromagnetic wave in the diagram below?

How is amplitude of the electromagnetic radiation related to intensity?

Explain briefly the physical meaning of an amplitude of a wave.

A radio can tune to any station in to band. The corresponding wavelength band is

A radio can tune to any station in to band. What is the wave length range of the corresponding band?

The number of wavelengths per unit length is called

What is/are correct about Hertz ?

waves of an electromagnetic radiation passes in minutes through a point then what will be the wavelength of radiation?

The ratio of energy to the frequency of electromagnetic radiation is called:

Calculate the wavenumber of yellow radiation having wavelength ?

What will be the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves transmitted from the source, if a source is transmitting electromagnetic wave of frequency Hz ?