Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry: Overview
Physical Chemistry covers chapters such as Solutions, Structure of Atom, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Solid State, Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Redox Reactions, Ionic Equilibria, Chemical Thermodynamics and, Adsorption and Colloids
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This chapter explains topics such as Atomic and Molecular Masses, Dalton's Atomic Theory, Introduction to Chemistry, Laws of Chemical Combination, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Subatomic Particles, Atomic Number and Atomic Mass Number, Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones, Developments Leading to the Bohr's Atomic Model, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Balancing of Oxidation Number, Balancing of Redox Reactions in Terms of Electron Transfer, Introduction to Redox Reaction, Oxidation and Reduction, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Characteristic Properties of Gases, Deviation from Ideal Behaviour, Diffusion and Effusion, Gas Laws, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Absorption, Adsorption, Catalysis and Classification of Catalyst, Colloids and Classification of Colloids, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Amorphous and Crystalline Solids, Bragg's Equation and its Application, Bravais Lattice, Classification of Solids Based on Different Forces, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Azeotropic Mixture, Colligative Properties, Depression of Freezing Point and its Application, Elevation of Boiling Point and its Application, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Ionic Equilibrium in Solution, Acids, Bases and Salts, Ionic Product of Water, pH Scale, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Basic Concepts in Thermodynamics, Concepts of System, Types of Systems, Surroundings, Enthalpies of Physical Changes, Enthalpy, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Common Types of Cells, Conductance in Electrolytic Solutions, Corrosion and its Prevention, Different Types of Electrodes, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as Arrhenius Collision Theory, Catalyst and Effect of Catalyst On Rates of Reaction, Collision Theory and Activation Energy, Determination of Order of Reaction, etc.