Logic Gates
Logic Gates: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as Logic Gates, NAND Gate, EX-OR Gate, AND Gate, OR Gate, Universal Logic Gates, EX-NOR Gate, NOT Gate, NOR Gate, and Types of Logic Gates.
Important Questions on Logic Gates
Which of the following gates is known as coincidence detector ?

Which of the following gate will give a 0 when both of its inputs are 1?

The expression of an EXOR gate is ____________

Electronic circuits that operate on one or more input signals to produce standard output _______

Boolean expression for the Exclusive-OR(EX-OR) gate If A and B are the inputs_________

If A and B are the input, then what is the Boolean expression for the XNOR gate?

__________gate is known as Universal gate.

The output of a gate is HIGH if and only if all its inputs are LOW. It is true for________

Boolean expression for OR gate is ________if two inputs A and B.

The output of a gate is LOW if and only if all its inputs are HIGH. It is true for____________

What logic function is produced by adding an inverter to each input and output of an OR gate?

Logic gates are utilised in ___________technologies.

The logical gates are categorised into _______

Minimum number of -input NAND gates required to implement the function is

Consider the following circuit
Which of the following is true?

The number of -input NAND gates required to produce two input OR function is