

Mathematics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Parabola

This Chapter covers topics such as Properties of Parabola, Basics of Parabola, Basics of Conic Section, Tangent and Normal to a Parabola, Interaction between Parabola and a Line and, Pair of Tangents, Chord of Contact and Chord with Midpoint of a Parabola

Practice Other Topics from Parabola

Mathematics>Coordinate Geometry>Parabola>Basics of Conic Section

This topic covers concepts such as Conic Section, General Equation of a Conic Section, Classification of Conic Sections, Classification of Conic Based on Plane and Cone, Classification of Conic Based on Eccentricity, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Parabola, Terms Related to Parabola, Vertex of a Parabola, Axis of a Parabola, Latus Rectum of a Parabola, Double Ordinate of a Parabola, Standard Equations of Parabola, Focal Distance of a Point on Parabola, etc.

Mathematics>Coordinate Geometry>Parabola>Interaction between Parabola and a Line

This topic covers concepts such as Parabola and a Line, Position of a Line with Respect To a Parabola, Intersection Points of a Line and a Parabola, Image of a Parabola in a Line Mirror, Condition for Tangency to a Parabola, etc.

Mathematics>Coordinate Geometry>Parabola>Tangent and Normal to a Parabola

This topic covers concepts such as Shortest Distance between Parabola and a Line, Tangent to a Parabola, Tangent to Standard Parabola in Slope Form, Point of Contact of a Given Tangent, Normal to a Parabola, Slope Form of Normal to a Parabola, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Congruence of Two Parabolas, Properties of Parabola, Properties of Parabola Related to Focal Chord, Properties of Parabola Related to a Tangent, Properties of Parabola Similar to Other Conic Sections, etc.

Mathematics>Coordinate Geometry>Parabola>Pair of Tangents, Chord of Contact and Chord with Midpoint of a Parabola

This topic covers concepts such as Pair of Tangents from an External Point, Midpoint Chord of a Parabola, Chord of Contact to a Parabola, Triangle Formed by Pair of Tangents and Its Chord of Contact, Diameter of a Parabola, etc.

Mathematics>Coordinate Geometry>Parabola>Interaction between Two Conics

This topic covers concepts such as Interaction between Circle and Parabola, Intersection of a Parabola with a Circle, Common Tangent to a Circle and a Parabola, Common Normal to a Circle and a Parabola, Interaction between Two Parabolas, etc.