Geometry: Overview
Geometry covers chapters such as Area, Graph, Symmetry, Quadrilateral, Congruence, Properties of a Triangle, Construction of Parallel Lines and Triangles and, The Angle, Pair of Straight Lines and Transversals
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This chapter covers topics such as Medians and Altitudes of a Triangle, Properties of Triangles, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Construction of Parallel Lines, Construction of Triangles, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Congruence in Geometry, Criteria for Congruence of Triangles, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Understanding of Cartesian Plane, Graph in Cartesian Plane, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Intersection of Lines, Transversal Line, Pair of Angles, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Parts of a Quadrilateral, Types of Quadrilateral, etc.

This chapter covers the topic of Area.

This chapter covers topics such as Figures with Multiple Lines of Symmetry, Mirror and Symmetry, Three Dimensional Shapes, Introduction to Symmetry, etc.