Trigonometric Ratios and Identities
Mathematics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Trigonometric Ratios and Identities
This chapter covers topics such as Basics of Trigonometry, Range of Trigonometric Expressions, Trigonometric Identities for Sum or Difference to Product, Periodic Functions, Trigonometric Identities for Product to Sum or Difference, etc.
Practice Other Topics from Trigonometric Ratios and Identities
This topic covers concepts such as Trigonometry, Angle, Systems for Measurement of Angles, Centesimal System for Measurement of Angles, Circular System for Measurement of Angles, Relation between Radian, Degree and Grade, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Quadrantal Angles, Trigonometric Ratios for Some Basic Angles (0, 30, 45,..), Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Functions for Angle θ ∈ R, Sign of the Trigonometric Functions in Different Quadrants, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Periodic Functions, Properties of Periodic Function and Finding Period of a Function.

This topic covers concepts such as Trigonometric Identities, Trigonometric Identities for Compound Angles, Expansion of sin(A+-B), Expansion of cos(A+-B), Expansion of tan(A+-B), Expansion of cot(A+-B), Expansion of sin(A+B+C), etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Trigonometric Identities for Sum or Difference to Product, Formula of sinC+-sinD and Formula of cosC+-cosD.

This topic covers concepts such as Trigonometric Identities for Product to Sum or Difference, Transformation of 2sinAcosB, Transformation of 2cosAsinB, Transformation of 2cosAcosB and Transformation of 2sinAsinB.

This topic covers concepts such as Range of Trigonometric Expressions and Greatest and Least Value of Asinx + Bcosx.