

Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Electrostatics

This Chapter covers topics such as Capacitor, Coulomb's Law, Electric Potential, Electric Field, Electric Flux, Van De Graaff Generator, Principle of Superposition, Electric Dipole, Energy Stored in a Capacitor and, Equipotential Surfaces

Practice Other Topics from Electrostatics

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Electric Charge and Its Basic Properties

This topic consists of concepts such as Electric Charge, Important Charged Particles, Proton, Neutron, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Coulomb's Law, Electrostatic Force between Two Charges in Vacuum, Permittivity of Vacuum, Permittivity of a Medium, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Superposition Principle etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Electric Field, Test Charge, Electric Field Due to a Point Charge, Relation between Electric Force and Electric Field, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Electric Lines of Force, Properties of Electric Lines of Force, Electric Field Lines due to a Positive Point Charge, Electric Field Lines due to a Negative Point Charge, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Area Vector, Electric Flux , etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Gauss theorem in electrostatics and Gaussian surfaces for various charge distribution.

This topic consists of concepts such as Electric Dipole, Electric Dipole Moment, Electric Field Due to Dipole at Axial Point, Electric Field Due Dipole at Equatorial Point, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Continuous Charge Distribution

This topic consists of concepts such as Continuous Charge Distribution, Line Charge Distribution, Surface Charge Distribution, Volume Charge Distribution, etc.

This topic explains concepts such as Self Electrostatic Potential Energy, Interaction Electrostatic Potential Energy, etc.

This topic explains concepts such as Electric Potential, Potential Difference between Two Points in Uniform Electric Field, Potential Difference, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Relation between Field and Potential

This topic explains concepts such as Electric Field from Potential in One Variable, Potential Difference in Variable Electric Field in One Variable, Electric Field in Terms of Electric Potential, Potential Difference in Uniform Electric Field, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Potential Due to a Point Charge

This topic explains concepts such as Graph of Electric Potential Due to Point Charge, Electric Potential due to a Point Charge at a Point, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Potential Due to a Electric Dipole

This topic covers concepts, such as, Electric Potential Due to Dipole at Axial Point,Electric Potential Due Dipole at Equatorial Point,Electric Potential Due to Dipole at General Point etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Potential due to System of Charges

This topic explains concepts such as Electric Potential due to Two or More Charges at a Point, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Equipotential Surfaces, Properties of Equipotential Surfaces, Equipotential Surfaces due to a Point Charge, Equipotential Surfaces due to Two Identical Positive Charges, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Potential Energy of a System of Charges

This topic explains concepts such as Electrostatic Potential Energy of System of Point Charges, Electrostatic Potential Energy between Two Point Charges, Electrostatic Potential Energy, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Potential Energy in an External Field

This topic explains concepts such as Electrostatic Potential Energy of a System of Two Charges in Electric Field, Electrostatic Potential Energy of a Single Charge in Electric Field, Electrostatic Potential Energy of a Single Charge in the Absence of Electric Field, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Normal Electric Induction and Gauss' Theorem

This topic covers concepts, such as, Condition for the Validity of Gauss Theorem,Electric Field due to a Charged Sphere Using Gauss's Law,Electric Field due to a Long Charged Cylinder Using Gauss's Law etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Electrostatics of Conductors

This topic explains concepts such as Effect of Earthing of a Conductor, Properties of Conductor, Conductor in Electrostatic Field, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Dielectrics and Polarization

This topic consists of concepts such as Dielectric, Polar Molecule, Non-polar Molecule, Electric Polarisation, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Capacitor and Its Capacitance, Unit of Capacitance, Capacitance of a Pair of Conductors, Factors Affecting Capacitance, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Parallel Plate Capacitors, Fringing of the Field, Force between Plates of a Charged Parallel Plate Capacitor etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Combination of Capacitors, Series Combination of Capacitors, Equivalent Capacitance of Series Combination of Capacitors, Distribution of Potential Difference among Capacitors in Series, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Effect of Dielectrics on Capacity

This topic covers concepts, such as, Electric Field inside a Parallel Plate Capacitor,Effect of Dielectric on the Value of Capacitance etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Mechanical Force Acting on Unit Area of a Charged Conductor

This topic covers concepts, such as, Electric Field near a Conductor etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Energy Stored in a Charged Capacitor etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electrostatics>Energy Density of an Electric Field

This topic covers concepts, such as, Energy Stored in the Electric Field,Energy Density in Electric Field etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Van de Graaff Generator etc.