Heat and Thermodynamics


Heat and Thermodynamics: Overview

Heat and Thermodynamics covers chapters such as Thermodynamics, Thermal Properties of Matter and, Kinetic Theory

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physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermal Properties of Matter

This chapter explains the fundamental concept of temperature through gas-equation, thermal expansion, specific heats and change of states of matter. It also discusses the different mediums of heat transfer and Newton’s law of cooling.

This chapter focuses on thermodynamics with its related applications. We will also learn the use of calorimeter and enthalpy change. Further, it includes the explanation of enthalpies for different types of reactions and spontaneity.

This chapter explains the molecular nature and behaviour of gases by explaining the kinetic theory of gases, law of equipartition of energy and mean free path. It also discusses the atomicity of gases and specific heat capacities of solids and water.