Earth Satellites
Earth Satellites: Overview
This topic consists of various concepts like Orbital Speed of Satellites,Motion of Satellites,Orbital Time Period of Satellites, etc.
Important Questions on Earth Satellites
A satellite is orbiting just above the surface of the earth with period . If is the density of the earth and is the universal constant of gravitation, the quantity represents :

Two satellites and move round the earth in the same orbit. The mass of is twice the mass of . The quantity which is same for the two satellites will be

The time period of a satellite, revolving above earth's surface at a height equal to will be (Given radius of earth)

Two satellites of masses and revolve around the earth in circular orbits of radii respectively. The ratio of orbital speeds of the satellites respectively is

Choose the incorrect statement from the following:

A satellite of mass orbits the earth in a circular orbit. At one point in its orbit, the satellite explodes into two pieces, one of mass and the other of mass . After the explosion the mass ends up travelling in the same circular orbit, but in opposite direction. After explosion the mass is:

Two satellites and are orbiting a planet in circular orbits with radii and respectively. If the speed of satellite is , then the speed of satellite is

Two satellites are revolving around the earth in the circular orbit of radius 2r and 8r with same sense of rotation .at t= 0 centre of earth lies on the line joining the centres of satellites then find minimum time when the three centres lies on the same line again.

Two planets revolve with same angular velocity about a star. The radius of orbit of outer planet is twice the radius of orbit of the inner planet. If is time period of the revolution of outer planet, find the time in which inner planet will fall into the star. If it was suddenly stopped.

What should be the percentage increase in the orbital velocity to escape velocity?

An artificial satellite circles around the earth at a distance of . Calculate the orbital velocity. Given the radius of the earth is .

Find the orbital velocity of an artificial satellite of the earth in an orbit close to the earth?

A planet revolves about the sun in elliptical orbit. The areal velocity of the

A satellite is launched into a circular orbit above the surface of the earth. Find the period of revolution in nearest integer (in hours) if the radius of the earth is and the acceleration due to gravity is (Take and ).

A satellite is revolving around the earth at height (Radius of earth) above equator. Another satellite is at height revolving in opposite direction it an instant two are at same vertical line passing through center of sphere. Find the least time after which again they are in this situation.

The period of a satellite in a circular orbit around a planet is independent of

Which of the following is the expression for orbital velocity of a satellite in a circular orbit.

When a satellite falls to an orbit of smaller radius its kinetic energy