Modern Physics


Modern Physics: Overview

Modern Physics covers chapters such as Nuclear Physics, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Semiconductor Devices and, Atomic Physics

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physics>Modern Physics>Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

This chapter covers topics, such as, Uncertainty Principle, de Broglie Wavelength, Photoelectric Effect, Photon Theory of Light, Electron Microscope, Radiation Pressure & Photoelectric Cell and Its Applications etc.

physics>Modern Physics>Atomic Physics

This chapter covers topics, such as, Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen Atom, Emission and Absorption Spectrum, Atomic Model, X - Rays, Characteristic and Continuous X-Rays & Moseley’s Law etc.

physics>Modern Physics>Nuclear Physics

This chapter covers topics, such as, Nuclear Reactions, Atomic Nucleus, Carbon Dating & Factors Affecting Nuclear Chain Reaction in a Reactor etc.

physics>Modern Physics>Semiconductor Devices

This chapter covers topics, such as, Zener Diode, Photo Diode, Effect of Temperature on Intrinsic Semiconductors & Ripple Factor and Efficiency of Rectifiers etc.