Modern Physics
Modern Physics: Overview
Modern Physics covers chapters such as Nuclear Physics, Communication Systems, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Semiconductor Devices and, Atomic Physics
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This chapter covers topics such as Photon Theory of Light, Radiation Pressure, de Broglie Wavelength, and Photoelectric Effect.
This chapter covers topics such as Atomic Model, Characteristic and Continuous X-Rays, Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen Atom, Emission and Absorption Spectrum, Moseley’s Law, and X-Rays.
This chapter covers topics such as Atomic Nucleus, Mass Defect and Binding Energy, α, β and γ Radiations, Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear Reactions in Stars, Radioactivity, Fission and Fusion Processes, and Nuclear Reactions.
This chapter covers topics such as Energy Bands in Solids, Semiconductors, Intrinsic Semiconductors, Junction Transistor, Extrinsic Semiconductors, P-N Junction Diode, Solar Cell, Zener Diode, Boolean Algebra, and Construction and Working of LEDs.
This chapter covers topics such as Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Atmosphere, Bandwidth of Signals and Transmission Medium, Elements of a Communication System, Modulation, and Production and Detection of Amplitude Modulated Wave.