Refraction at Plane Surfaces


Refraction at Plane Surfaces: Overview

This Topic covers sub-topics such as Refraction of Light, Snell's Law, Absolute Refractive Index, Relative Refractive Index, Advanced Sunrise and Delayed Sunset, Refracted Ray, Refraction from Plane Surface and, Apparent Depth for One Liquid

Important Questions on Refraction at Plane Surfaces


When a monochromatic light ray is incident on a medium of refractive index μ with an angle of incidence θi, the angle of refraction is θr. If θi is changed slightly by Δθi, then the corresponding change in θr will be


A ray of light moving along the unit vector (i^2j^) undergoes refraction at an interface of two media, which is the x-z plane. The refractive index for y>0 is 2 while for y<0, it is 52 . The unit vector along which the refracted ray moves is 


A parallel sided block of glass of refractive index 1.5 which is 3.6 mm thick rests on the floor of a tank which is filled with water (refractive index=43). The difference between the apparent depth of floor at A and B when seen from vertically above is equal to


A ray of sunlight enters a spherical water droplet (n =43) at an angle of incidence 53° measured with respect to the normal to the surface. It is reflected from the back surface of the droplet and re-enters into the air. The angle between the incoming and outgoing ray is [Take sin 53° = 0.8]


A surveyor on one bank of canal observed the image of the 4 inch and 17 ft marks on a vertical staff, which is partially immersed in the water and held against the bank directly opposite to him, coincides. If the 17 ft mark and the surveyor's eye are both 6 ft above the water level, If the width of the canal is 10 + x, assuming that the refractive index of the water is 4/3, then find the value of x. Zero mark is at the bottom of the canal.


A surveyor on one bank of canal observed the image of the 4 inch and 17 ft marks on a vertical staff, which is partially immersed in the water and held against the bank directly opposite to him, coincides. If the 17 ft mark and the surveyor's eye are both 6 ft above the water level, If the width of the canal is 10 + x, assuming that the refractive index of the water is 4/3, then find the value of x. Zero mark is at the bottom of the canal.


A beam of parallel rays of width b propagates in glass at over to air this face is _________  if the refractive index of glass is μ.v


When light travels from a rarer to a denser medium, which of the following parameter of light decreases:


A ray of light passes through four transparent media with refractive indices μ1, μ2, μ3 and μ4 as shown in the figure. The surfaces of all media are parallel. If the emergent ray CD is parallel to the incident ray AB, we must have


A diverging beam of light from a point source S  having divergence angle   α , falls symmetrically on a glass slab as shown. The angles of incidence of the two extreme rays are equal. If the thickness of the glass slab is t and the refractive index n, then the divergence angle of the emergent beam is


A monochromatic beam of light of wavelength 6000  in vacuum enters a medium of refractive index 1.5. In the medium its wavelength is __________, its frequency is ____________


When a ray of light enters a glass slab from air


A light of wavelength 6000Å in air, enters a medium with refractive index 1.5. Inside the medium its frequency is 5×1014 Hz and its wavelength is_______ Å.


If ε0 and μ0 are, respectively, the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of free space, ε and μ the corresponding quantities in a medium, the index of refraction of the medium in terms of the above parameters is


A light wave of frequency  5×1014 Hz enters a medium of refractive index 1.5. In the medium the velocity of the light wave is ________________ and its wavelength is ______________


A straight rod partially immersed in water n=43 appears to be inclined at 45° to the surface when viewed vertically from air, what is its true inclination to the surface of water?


A ray of light is incident on the left vertical face of a glass cube of refractive index μ2, as shown in figure. The plane of incident is the plane of the page, and the cube is surrounded by liquid μ1. What is the largest angle of incidence θ1 for which total internal reflection occurs at the top surface?


A ray of light passes through a thick glass sheet with some angle of incidence θ as shown in the figure. The refractive index of glass is


Which of the following statements is FALSE?


The refractive index of the medium within a certain region, x>0, y>0 changes with y. A thin light ray travelling in the x-direction in air, strikes the medium at origin and moves through the medium along a circular arc, as shown:
How does the refractive index ny depend on y?