Wave Optics


Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Wave Optics

This Chapter covers topics such as Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Diffraction of Light, Interference of Light, Huygen’s Principle, Polarization of Light, Fraunhofer Diffraction, Fresnel Diffraction and, Polarisation by Reflection

Practice Other Topics from Wave Optics

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Huygen’s Principle

This topic covers concepts such as Huygen's Wave Principle, Terms in Wave Principle, Sources of Light Waves, Speed of Light Waves, Wave Fronts of Light Wave, Secondary Wavelets, Types of Wave Fronts, Spherical Wavefront, Plane Wavefront, etc.

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Interference of Light

This topic covers concepts such as Interference of Light Waves, Intensity of Interference Pattern, Coherence of Light Waves, Principle of Superposition, Path Difference and Phase Difference, Resultant Amplitude and Intensities, etc.

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Young’s Double Slit Experiment

This topic covers concepts such as Young's Double Slit Experiment, Terms in YDSE, Central Maximum and Numbering of Fringes, Importance of Slits and Holes in YDSE, Importance of Slit Width in YDSE, Importance of Screen Distance in YDSE, etc.

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Fresnel Biprism and Lloyd's Mirror

This topic covers concepts such as Fresnel's Biprism, Angles of Biprism, Screen Distance in Biprism, Path Difference in Reflected Waves from Thin Film, Constructive Interference in Reflected Light Waves, etc.

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Interference Due to Thin Films

This topic covers concepts such as Interference of Reflected Waves from Thin Film for Normal Incidence, Constructive Interference of Reflected Waves from Thin Film for Normal Incidence, etc.

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Diffraction of Light

This topic covers concepts such as Diffraction of Light Waves, Properties of Diffraction, Diffraction from Aperture, Wavelength and Size of Aperture, Explanation of Diffraction Using Huygens Principle, etc.

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Fresnel Diffraction

This topic covers concepts such as Fresnel Diffraction and Properties of Fresnel Diffraction.

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Fraunhofer Diffraction

This topic covers concepts such as Condition For Validity of Ray Optics, Fraunhofer Diffraction, Diffraction at Single Slit, Comparison between Interference and Diffraction, Properties of Fraunhofer Diffraction, etc.

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Polarization of Light

This topic covers concepts such as Polarisation of Light Waves, Terms in Polarisation, Linearly Polarised Light Waves, Production of Polarised Light, Law of Malus, Polaroids, Unpolarised Light Wave, Pass-Axis of a Polaroid, etc.

Physics>Optics>Wave Optics>Polarisation by Reflection

This topic covers concepts such as Polarisation by Reflection, Polarising Angle, Brewster's Law, Angle of Incidence Greater than Polarising Angle, Angle of Incidence Equal to Polarising Angle, and Angle of Incidence Less than Polarising Angle.