

Optics: Overview

Optics covers chapters such as Eye and Optical Instruments, Refraction, Dispersion and Lens, Wave Optics and Interference and, Reflection and Spherical Mirror

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physics>Optics>Reflection and Spherical Mirror

This chapter covers topics, such as, Reflection of Light, Image Formation in Spherical Mirror, Basic Terms in Ray Optics & Applications and Defects of Mirror etc.

physics>Optics>Refraction, Dispersion and Lens

This chapter covers topics, such as, Refraction of Light, Image Formed by a Lens, Refraction Through a Prism & Dispersion of Light and Spectrum etc.

physics>Optics>Eye and Optical Instruments

This chapter covers topics, such as, Human Eye, Simple Microscope, Compound Microscope, Telescope & Defects of Eye and its Remedies etc.

physics>Optics>Wave Optics and Interference

This chapter covers topics, such as, Huygen's Principle, Resolving Power of Optical Instruments, Coherent and Incoherent Addition of Waves & Doppler Effect in Light etc.