Root: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Fibrous Roots, Tap Root, Types of Roots, Functions of Root, Lateral Roots, Storage of Food, Taproot System, Anchoring of Plant in Soil and, Absorption of Water and Minerals from Soil
Important Questions on Root
The root system of the second plant in the diagram given above is _____.
What is the relationship between venation (vein arrangement) in leaves and the kinds of roots?
Write about the relationship between the roots of plants and vein arrangement of leaves?
What venation (vein arrangement) do the leaves of plants with fibrous roots have?
What venation (vein arrangement) do the leaves of plants with tap roots have?
The two types of roots are _____ root and _____ root.
Which type of soil will assist the growth of fibrous roots?
Which one of the following edible roots belong to the fibrous root system?
The lateral roots which arise from the central root as shown in the image are also known as _____ roots.
Name the following:
Hair-like structures at the tip of roots.
Name the following:
Thin bunches of roots arising at the base of the stem. (Fibrous roots/Tap roots)
Which of the following parts of a plant are carrots, turnips and radishes?
Choose the appropriate word for the radicle of the embryo forms. (Root system/Shoot system)
Distinguish between taproot system and fibrous root system.