Stems: Structure, Functions and Modifications
Stems: Structure, Functions and Modifications: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Climbers, Offsets, Runners, Corms, Thorns, Tendrils, Phylloclade, Modification of Stem, Axillary Bud, Stolons, Aerial Stem Modification, Shoot System, Underground Stem Modification, Terminal Bud and, Structure of a Stem
Important Questions on Stems: Structure, Functions and Modifications
In a twiner, the twining structure is
What are twiners plants? Give examples.
Which of the following is an example of a twiner?
A plant with a weak stem that can coil around an upright support is called
Label and explain the part of the stem in the given diagram.
Which part of the plant contains terminal buds?
Define terminal bud.
Thorns are present on the surface of this plant.
Thorns are modified root.
Hooks are an example of aerial stem modification.
Mention function of offset of a plant.
Name some plants that reproduce by offset.
Define offsets (stem modification).
The subaerial stems that usually grow in a horizontal form above the ground is
List few features of runner plants.
Give two examples of runner plants.
Runner (stems) are usually found in
Define runner plants.
Mention the different types of subaerial shoots.
What is sub-aerial stem modification?