Carbon and its Compounds


Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Carbon and its Compounds

This Chapter covers topics such as Hydrocarbons, Isomerism, Versatile Nature of Carbon, Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds, Soaps and Detergents, Functional groups in Carbon Compounds and, Some Important Carbon Compounds

Practice Other Topics from Carbon and its Compounds

Science>Chemistry>Carbon and its Compounds>The Covalent Bond in Carbon

This topic covers concepts such as Covalent Bonding in Carbon, Reason for Covalent Bonding in Carbon and Properties of Carbon Atom.

Science>Chemistry>Carbon and its Compounds>Hybridisation in Carbon Compounds

This topic covers concepts such as sp Hybridisation, sp2 Hybridisation, sp3 Hybridisation, Allotropes of Carbon, Diamond, Graphite, Fullerenes, Crystalline Allotropes of Carbon, Amorphous Allotropes of Carbon, Carbon Nano Tubes, Graphene, etc.

Science>Chemistry>Carbon and its Compounds>Versatile Nature of Carbon

This topic covers concepts such as Versatile Nature of Carbon, Bonding of Carbon with Heteroatoms, Tetravalency of Carbon, Multiple Bond Formation by Carbon, Catenation Property of Carbon, Compounds of Carbon and Organic Compounds.

This topic covers concepts such as Hydrocarbons, Unsaturated Hydrocarbon, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Saturated Hydrocarbons, Chain Structures of Hydrocarbons, Structure of Propane, Chain Structure of Pentane, Ring Structures of Hydrocarbons, etc.

Science>Chemistry>Carbon and its Compounds>Functional groups in Carbon Compounds

This topic covers concepts such as Functional Group, Functional Group in Alcohols, Functional Group in Aldehydes, Functional Group in Ketones, Functional Group in Carboxylic Acids, Functional Group in Ethers, Functional Group in Esters, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Homologous Series, Properties of Homologous Series, Homologous Series of Alkanes, Isomerism, Homologous Series of Alkenes, Homologous Series of Alkynes, Structural Isomerism, Structural Isomers of C5H12, etc.

Science>Chemistry>Carbon and its Compounds>Nomenclature of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

This topic covers concepts such as Nomenclature of Carbon Compounds Containing Functional Groups, Rules for Naming of Carbon Compounds, Prefix of Carbon Compound, Suffix for a Functional Group, IUPAC Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons, etc.

Science>Chemistry>Carbon and its Compounds>Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds

This topic covers concepts such as Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds, Combustion of Carbon Compounds, Combustion of Coal and Petroleum, Burning of Carbon Compounds with a Flame, Burning of Carbon Compounds without Flame, etc.

Science>Chemistry>Carbon and its Compounds>Some Important Carbon Compounds

This topic covers concepts such as Ethanol, Chemical Properties of Ethanol, Reaction of Ethanol with Sodium, Dehydration of Ethanol, Effects of Alcohols on Living Beings, Use of Alcohol as a Fuel, Ethanoic Acid, Properties of Ethanoic Acid, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Cleansing Agents, Soaps and Detergents, Micelles, Structure of Micelles, Formation of Micelles, Mechanism of Cleansing Action of Soaps and Detergents, Applications of Cleansing Agents and Saponification Reaction.