Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Electrolysis
This chapter defines different terms related to electrolysis. It explains electrolytic dissociation and ionization. It describes the selective discharge of ions at electrodes and the factors on which it depends.
Practice Other Topics from Electrolysis
This topic deals with the concept of electrolytic and metallic conduction. It also explains the factors affecting it with the help of examples and illustrations.

In this topic, we will learn about electrolytic cells and electrolysis. Here we will learn that an electrolytic cell drives a spontaneous redox reaction through electrical energy. Electrolysis, however, is a technique that uses direct current.

In this topic, we will learn about the electrochemical cells. We will understand the change of energy from chemical to electrical in these cells. It also sheds light on the benefits of using this type of cell.

In this topic, we will learn about the ions and the two types of ions, which are cations and anions. It explains how cations gain and lose electrons. It also discusses the differences between them.

The topic explains the process of oxidation and reduction with the aid of examples. It gives details of the oxidising agent. We will also learn about the reducing agents and the metals and compounds as their examples.

In this topic, we will learn about the selective discharge of ions in the process of electrolysis. We will also discuss the electrochemical series, which contains the metals in the order of their tendency to lose valence electron.

This topic covers concepts such as Electrolysis of Water, Electrolysis of Lead Bromide, Electrolysis of Fused Salt, and Electrolysis of Aqueous Copper Sulphate.

This topic describes electroplating. The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity is called electroplating. It also discusses the uses of electroplating.

This topic discusses the purpose of electrorefining metals. This topic explains how copper metal is purified by electrorefining process. It also explains electrolyte, nature of electrodes and electrode reactions in this process.

This topic focuses on the process of extraction of metals using electrolysis. It explains the extraction of metals as per their places in electrochemical series. We will also learn about the extraction of sodium, calcium and aluminium.

Via this topic, we will learn about the electrolytes. We will study the use of acids, bases and salts as electrolytes. We will also discuss the use of nitric acid, acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride and oxalate salts.