Practical Chemistry


Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Practical Chemistry

This Chapter covers topics such as Sources of Water Pollution, Flame Test, Identification of Gases, Action of Dilute Sulphuric Acid to Given Substance, Action of Heat on Given Substances and, Experiment Based on Hard and Soft Water

Practice Other Topics from Practical Chemistry

Science>Chemistry>Practical Chemistry>Identification of Gases

This topic deals with an experiment for the detection of different gases. It mentions the procedure and observations of the experiment in tabular form. It also covers various questions based on the identification of gases.

Science>Chemistry>Practical Chemistry>Action of Heat on Given Substances

In this topic, we will discuss the action of heat on given substances. Here, we are provided with various substances, and we will perform an experiment on each substance. We will obtain the result by analysing the action of heat on them.

Science>Chemistry>Practical Chemistry>Action of Dilute Sulphuric Acid to Given Substance

Within this topic, we will enhance our knowledge of the details of the action of heat. We will be provided with substances to perform an experiment on each of them. We will obtain the result by analysing the action of dilute sulphuric acid on them.

This topic sheds light on the concept of the flame test. We will study it as the qualitative test which is used to determine the identity of a metal.

Science>Chemistry>Practical Chemistry>Experiment Based on Hard and Soft Water

Through this topic, we will demonstrate an experiment based on hard and soft water in detail. We will study the material required and the steps involved to perform the experiment. Observations are also provided to reach the result.

Science>Chemistry>Practical Chemistry>Sources of Water Pollution

This topic contains concepts like Water Pollution, Common Water Pollutants, Oxygen Demanding Wastes, and Pathogens as Water Pollutants.