

Chemistry: Overview

Chemistry covers chapters such as Atomic Structure, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-metals, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Physical and Chemical Changes, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, Language of Chemistry and, Matter and Its Composition

Practice Other Chapters from Chemistry

Science>Chemistry>Matter and its Composition

This chapter covers topics like composition and properties of matter, states of matter, and interconversion of matter.

Science>Chemistry>Physical and Chemical Changes

In this chapter, we will learn the classification of changes, which are physical and chemical change. It highlights the difference between them along with various examples. It also explains the characteristics of physical and chemical change.

Science>Chemistry>Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

This chapter deals with the classification of matter. We will study different types of mixtures and the need for separating the components of a mixture. It also highlights various methods by which we can separate the components of a mixture.

Science>Chemistry>Atomic Structure

In this chapter, we will solve questions based on the structure of an atom, and various theories and models related to the atom. In addition, there are assorted exercises provided here on atomic number, mass number, and isotopes.

Science>Chemistry>Language of Chemistry

This chapter deals with various chemical equations and chemical formulae with the help of assorted exercises. It also discusses the chemical symbols of different elements and their atomicity using objective and subjective answer-type questions.

Science>Chemistry>Metals and Non-metals

This chapter explains the classification of elements into metals and non-metals. It covers their physical and chemical properties. Further, it explains the various methods of extraction of metals from ores and the reactivity order of metals.

Science>Chemistry>Air and Atmosphere

This chapter covers topics like air and its components, and air pollution.

Science>Chemistry>Chemistry in Everyday Life

This chapter explains the importance of chemistry in our daily lives. We will learn the classification of drugs and the mechanism of drug action. It also discusses some chemicals which are used as artificial sweetening agents and food preservatives.

Science>Chemistry>Acids, Bases and Salts

This chapter describes acids, bases and salts and their chemical properties. We will learn about the pH scale, its importance and the classification of salts. It also discusses the preparation of normal salts and their general properties.