Thermal Expansion
Thermal Expansion: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Area Expansion, Linear Expansion,Volume Expansion and Thermal Expansion etc.
Important Questions on Thermal Expansion
The expansion of a substance on heating is called the thermal expansion of that substance.
What is thermal expansion? Explain different types of expansion.
A liquid expands on heating. Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer with the help of an activity.
How does a liquid expand on heating? Describe an activity to show the thermal expansion of a liquid.
Heat raises the temperature of an object by the kinetic energy of the molecules.
Superficial expansion does not depend upon the nature of the material.
Explain the factors affecting superficial expansion.
Cubical expansion does not depend upon the nature of the material.
Explain the factors affecting the cubical expansion of a solid.
The increase in area of a solid on heating is called linear expansion.
Liquid expands on heating. Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer.
On being heated the solids expand the least and the gases expand the most.