Land Transport in India
Land Transport in India: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as National Highways of India, Roadways in India, Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways, Classification of Roads, Railways in India, State Highways of India, Pipeline Transport In India and, Rural Roads in India
Important Questions on Land Transport in India
What are the disadvantages of Road Transport?
Identify the road development project from the map given below and briefly describe it.
Maharashtra is one of the states which is not connected with the H.V.J. pipeline.
Which one of the following modes of transportation has the highest network in India?
Unmetalled roads are of no use in the rainy season.
_____ roads are made up of cement, concrete or bitumen or coal. (Metalled/Unmetalled)
The historical Sher-Shah Suri Marg is between Delhi and Amritsar.
The development of the _____ railway has facilitated the movement of passengers and goods on the western coast. (Konkan/Coramondel)
Pipeline transport network is a new arrival on the transportation map of India.
In how many zones can the Indian Railways be classified?
Roadways have an edge over _____ (Railways/Airways) in India, in view of the ease with which they can be built and maintained.
India has one of the largest road networks in the world, aggregating to _____ lakh kilometres.